Thursday, August 22, 2013

አፈትልኮ በሚስጥር የወጣ የኢሀዲግ እና የአህባሽ ዉይይት One of the clear evidence on the interference of The Ethiopian Government on Ethiopian Muslims

የኢህዲግ እና የአህባሽ ሴራ በኢትዮጵያ ሙስሊም ላይ

One of the clear evidence on the interference of the Ethiopian Government on Ethiopian Muslims
(Must Listen) One of the clear evidence on the Involvement of Ethiopian Government on muslims religious affairs.( አፈትልኮ በሚስጥር የወጣ የአህባሽና የመንግስት ዉይይት )

( At the beginning of the ongoing confrontation between Ethiopian Muslims and the government, protesters accused the regime of importing and attempting to impose a Lebanese based religious sect known as Al habash. They specifically claimed that the government directly invited Lebanese preachers, and organized conferences for them and coerced local clerics to attend the seminars. In its part, the government vehemently denied the allegation claiming it had nothing to do with the Al habesh. Now a damning secretly recorded audio has emerged corroborating what the protesters have long asserted.

In the recording, the leader of the 200 men strong Lebanese delegate, affirms that they were invited by Ethiopia's Minister for Federal Affairs, Shiferaw Teklemariam. The Lebanese preacher was providing training for government officials who identify themselves as representing various state agencies such as ministry of federal affairs, intelligence , military, police and representatives of various religious institutions. This evidence should put to rest any doubt about whether the government has used state resources to impose Al Habash on Muslim community,

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