Friday, May 23, 2014

ሰበር ዜና- ፖሊስ በዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማሪና መስራች ሶልያና ሽመልስ ቤተሰብ መኖሪያ ቤት ብርበራ አካሄደ

ያለ በቂ ማስረጃ በሕገ ወጥ መንገድ ከአራት ሳምንት በፌት ከተያዙት ስድስቱ የዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማርያን በተጨማሪ በአንድ ጦማሪ አባል መኖሪያ ቤት ላይ ፖሊስ ለ7 ሰአት የቆየ ብርበራ አካሄደ፡፡
zoneeበዛሬው ዕለት ከጠዋቱ 12 ሰዓት አካባቢ ጀምሮ በዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማሪና መስራች ሶልያና ሽመልስ ቤተሰብ መኖሪያ ቤት ፖሊስ ብርበራ ያካሄደ ሲሆን የጸረ-ሽብር ሕጉ ይፈቅድልናል የሚል ምክንያት ሰጥተው ያለ ፍርድ ቤት የብረበራ ማዘዣ ከካሜራ ቀራጭ ጋር የተገኙት ሰባት ፖሊሶች በጦማሪዋ ክፍል እና ሌሎች አስፈላጊ ነው ባሉዋቸው ክፍሎች ሲያካሂዱ ነበረውን ብርበራ ጨርሰው ይጠቅመናል ያሉትን የዶ/ር መረራ ጉዲና የመጨረሻ መጽሀፍ እና ሌሎች ወረቀቶች ወስደው ቤት ውስጥ የነበሩትን የጦማሪዋን ወላጅ እናት አስፈርመው ከጠዋቱ 4 ሰአት አካባቢ ቤቱን ለቀው ወጥተው ነበር፡፡ከተወሰነ ጊዜ በኋላ ተመልሰው በመምጣት ተጨማሪ ፍተሻ በዋናው መኖሪያ ቤት መካሄድ እንፈልጋለን ብለው ሁለተኛ ዙር ብርበራ በምግብ ማብሰያ ክፍል ውስጥ እናካሂዳከን በሚል ሰበብ ትንሹ ክፍል ውስጥ የጦማሪዋን እናት እነዲወጡ በማግለል ከማቀዝቀዛውን አንቀሳቅሰው አፍታም ሳይቆዩ 19 ገጽ የግንቦት ሰባት ፕሮግራም አግኝቻለሁ ሲል አንዱ ፈታሽ ተናግሯል፡።
የጦማሪዋን ወላጅ እናት እነዲፈርሙ ያግባቡ ቢሆንም ወላጅ እናትዋ ከክፍሏ እና ሌላም ቦታ በመፈተሽ ስታገኙ ያየሁት ወረቀት ላይ ፈርሜያለሁ ይህ ግን ምግብ ማብሰያ ክፍል ውስጥ ያልነበረ እና እዚህ ያልተገኘ ሌላ ወረቀት ነው ሲገኝም አላየሁም በማለት አልፈርምም ብለዋቸዋል፡፡ በመሆኑም ፈታሾች ተጨማሪ የሰው ሃይል ደውለው በማስጠራት ለማግባባት ቢሞክሩም ስላልተሳካላቸው ይዘዋቸው የመጡትን የራሳቸውን ሁለት ምስክሮች ብቻ አስፈርመው ባለቤትዋ ለመፈረም ፍቃደኛ አይደሉም ብለው ቤቱን ለቀው ሄደዋል፡፡ ከፓሊስ ጋር የመጡት ምስክሮች አንደኛው አድራሻቸው በብርበራ ምስክርነት ዶክመንቱ ላይ ያልተጻፈ መሆኑንም ለመረዳት ችለናል ፡፡
በብርበራው ወቅት በነበራቸው የ7 ሰአት ቆይታ የጦማሪዋን መጸሃፍት የጉዞ ትኬቶች የስልጠና ማንዋል እና የመሳሰሉትን ጥቃቅን ወረቀቶች የወሰዱ ሲሆን ማብሰያ ክፍል ከፍሪጅ ጀርባ አገኘነው ካሉት ወረቀት ግን ቤት ውስጥ ያልነበረና ፓሊሶች ራሳቸው ያመጡት በመሆኑ እናትዋ ተናግረዋል፡፡
የዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማሪ አባላት ከየትኛውም በፓርላማ በአሸባሪነት ከተፈረጀ የፖለቲካ ድርጅት አባል ያልሆኑና ምንም ዓይነት ግንኙነት የሌላቸው እነዲሁም አነዚህ ድርጅቶች ላይ በተለያየ አጋጣሚ ትችቶቻቸውን ሲያቀርቡና ሲቃወሙ የሚታወቁ ቢሆንም ሲሆን በተያዙት አባሎቻችን ላይ እየደረሰ ያለው አስገድዶ ለሃሰተኛ መረጃ እንዲፈርሙ የማድረግ ተግባር ሳያንስ ከሽብርተኛ ድርጅቶች ጋር ለማያያዝ ማስረጃን እንደተገኘ አድርጎ የማቅረቡ ተግባር መንግሰት ይታማበት የነበረውን የፓለቲካ ውንጀላን በሽብር የመቀየር ክስ በተግባር እንድናይ ያስቻለን ነው ፡።
በመሆኑም አሁንም ቢሆነ ጦማሪ ጓደኞቻችን ሃሳባቸውን በነጻነት ከመግለጻቸው ውጪ ምንም አይነት የወንጀልም ሆነ ሽብር ከተፈረጁ ድርጅቶች ጋር ግንኙነት እንደሌላቸው እያስታወስን መንግስት ያሰራቸውን ጦማርያን እና ጋዜጠኞች አንዲፈታ አሁንም አንጠይቃለን፡፡

Thursday, May 22, 2014

ፍትህ በምዕራብ ወለጋ እንጨት ለቀማ ወጥቶ በወታደሮች ጥይት ሕይወቱ ላለፈው ገመቺስ

May 22/2014
ከዳዊት ሰለሞን
ፍትህ ለገመቺስና ለመሰሎቹ
በምዕራብ ወለጋ የጊምቢ አጎራባች በሆነችው ዋሎ የሱስ መንደር ነዋሪ የነበረው ገመቺስ ደበላ ከእንጨት ከሰል እያመረተ
ቤተሰቦቹን በመደጎም ህይወትን ሲጋፈጥ ቆይቷል፡፡የ16ዓመቱ ገመቺስ በ02/09/2006 እንደተለመደው ማለዳ ተነስቶ
ለከሰል የሚሆነውን እንጨት ፍለጋ ወደ ጊምቢ እያቀና ነበር በወታደሮች በተተኮሰበት ጥይት እግሩ ላይ የተመታው፡፡የዘጠነኝክፍል ተማሪ የነበረውን ገመቺስን በጊምቢ የሚገኘው የአድቪንቲስት ሆስፒታል ህክምና ሲሰጠው ቢቆይም በ12/09/2006ይህችን አለም በግፍ ተሰናብቷል፡፡

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Amnesty International condemns the use of excessive force by security forces against peaceful protesters in a number of locations across the Oromia region during the last two weeks, which has resulted in the deaths and injuries of dozens of people including students and children. Many hundreds of protesters are reported to have been arbitrarily arrested, and are being detained incommunicado and without charge. Detainees are at risk of torture.
The Ethiopian government must immediately instruct the security forces to cease using deadly force against peaceful protesters, and to release any person who has been arrested solely because of their involvement in peaceful protests. These incidents must be urgently and properly investigated, and suspected perpetrators should be prosecuted in effective trial proceedings.
Since late April, protests have taken place in many universities and towns across the Oromia region over the ‘Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan’ – a plan from the central government to expand the capital, Addis Ababa, into parts of Oromia – the region which surrounds the city. The government says the master plan for expansion would bring city services to remote areas. However, the protesters, and many other Oromos, the ethnic group that makes up the significant majority of the population of Oromia regional state, fear that the move will be detrimental to the interests of Oromo farmers, and will lead to large scale evictions to make way for land leasing or sale. Many Oromos also consider the move to be in violation of the Constitutionally-guaranteed protection of the ‘special interests’ of the Oromia state.
Numerous reports from witnesses, local residents and other sources indicate that the security forces have responded with excessive force against peaceful protesters. Forces comprised of the federal police and military special forces known as ‘Agazi’, have fired live ammunition at unarmed protesters in a number of locations including in Wallega and Madawalabu universities and Ambo and Guder towns, resulting in deaths in each location.
One witness told Amnesty International that on the third day of protest in Guder town, near Ambo, the security forces were waiting for the protesters and opened fire when they arrived. She said five people were killed in front of her. A source in Robe town, the location of Madawalabu University, told Amnesty International that 11 bodies had been seen in a hospital in the town. Another witness said they had seen five bodies in Ambo hospital.
There are major restrictions on independent journalism and human rights monitoring organizations in Ethiopia as well as on exchange of information. Because of these restrictions, in conjunction with the number of incidents that occurred in the last two weeks, it is not possible to establish the exact number of those who have been killed. The government acknowledged that three students had died at Madawalabu University, and five persons had died in Ambo town, but did not state the cause of death. Numbers of deaths reported by witnesses and residents within Oromia are significantly higher. Investigations into these incidents must include the establishment of comprehensive numbers of people killed and injured in all incidents.
According to eye-witness reports received by Amnesty International, of those who were killed some people, including students and children, died instantly during protests, while some died subsequently in hospitals as a result of their injuries. Children as young as 11 years old were among the dead. Students and teachers constitute the majority of those killed and injured.
Protesters were also reportedly beaten up during and after protests, resulting in scores of injuries in locations including Ambo, Jimma, Nekempte, Wallega, Dembi Dollo, Robe town, Madawalabu, and Haromaya.
Hundreds of people have been arrested across many locations. The main Oromo opposition party, the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) which has been collecting information from its members throughout the region, believes those arrested may total several thousand. Witnesses told Amnesty International that in many cases the arrests took place after the protesters had dispersed. Security forces have conducted house to house searches in many locations in the region, for students and others who may have been involved. New arrests continue to be reported. A small number of people have been released, but most of those arrested remain in incommunicado detention, in many cases in unknown locations. The OFC also reports that two of its members were arrested in Ambo because they had spoken to a Voice of America reporter about events in the town.
Hundreds of those arrested have been taken to unofficial places of detention including Senkele police training camp. One local resident, whose nephew was shot dead during the Ambo protests, told Amnesty International that detainees in Senkele have been prevented from seeing their families or receiving food from them. Military camps in Oromia have regularly been used to detain thousands of actual or perceived government opponents. Detention in military camps is almost always arbitrary – detainees are not charged or taken to a court for the duration of their detention, which in some cases has lasted for many years. In the majority of cases, detainees in military camps have no access to lawyers or to their families for the duration of their detention. Amnesty International has received countless reports of torture being widespread in military camps. The organization fears that the recent detainees are at serious risk of torture and other ill-treatment.
There is a very high security force presence in towns across the region in recent days, including in university campuses. Witnesses in several locations say that classes have been suspended in the universities. Amnesty International has heard from other locations, where classes have continued or resumed, that attendance registers are being taken for every class, with serious repercussions threatened for those not present.
Amnesty International has also received several reports that in a number of locations throughout the region local residents are being beaten and in some cases, arrested by the police, ostensibly to intimidate them against taking part in further protests. Police are also threatening parents to control their children. One witness told Amnesty International that one man who went to collect his son’s body, who had been shot dead during a protest, was severely beaten by security forces telling him he should have taught his son some discipline.
The OFC says the response of the security forces has fuelled further protests as the colleagues, parents and community members of those killed and injured have joined in further protests against the brutality of the security forces. In some locations anger at the actions of the security forces has resulted in burning of cars and damage to property.
The Ethiopian authorities regularly suppress peaceful protests, which has often included the use of excessive force against protesters. The Oromos have long felt discriminated against by successive governments. The current government is hostile to all dissent. However, this hostility often manifests most fiercely in the Oromia region, where signs of dissent are looked for and suppressed even more brutally than in other parts of the country. Scores of Oromos are regularly arrested based on their actual or suspected opposition to the government.
The recent events are highly reminiscent of events in 2004 when months of protests broke out across the Oromia region and in Addis Ababa by college and school students demonstrating against a federal government decision to transfer the regional state capital from Addis Ababa to Adama (also known as Nazret), a town 100 kilometres south-east of Addis Ababa. The transfer was perceived to be against Oromo interests. Police used live ammunition in some incidents to disperse demonstrators, killing several students and wounding many others, which led to further protests. Hundreds of students were arrested and detained for periods ranging from several days to several months, without charge or trial. Many were severely beaten when police dispersed protests or in detention. Subsequently hundreds were expelled or suspended from university and many suffered long-term repercussions such as repeated arrest based on the residual suspicion of holding dissenting opinions.
The events of the last two weeks in Oromia demonstrate that there has been no improvement in Ethiopia’s policing practices in the last decade, and that very serious concerns remain about the willingness of the Ethiopian security forces to use excessive force against peaceful protesters. These events also show that major restrictions remain on the ability of peaceful protesters to express grievances or make political points in Ethiopia. The environment for peaceful protest, freedom of expression and political participation has worsened over the last decade.
The recent events in Oromia fall at a time when the local population and interested parties internationally, are starting to look towards the general elections in May 2015. The aftermath of the disputed 2005 elections also saw excessive use of force against peaceful protesters during widespread demonstrations against the alleged rigging of the election by the ruling EPRDF party. Security forces opened fire on protesters in Addis Ababa resulting in the deaths of more than 180 people. The recent events bode very ill for the run up to the 2015 elections, still a year away. Unless substantial reforms are urgently initiated, Amnesty International is concerned that the run up to the elections will be characterised by further serious violations of human rights.
Amnesty International urges the Ethiopian authorities to immediately and publicly instruct the security forces to cease using excessive force against peaceful protesters in Oromia. While some of the recent protests in Oromia are reported to have seen incidents of violence, including destruction of property, the use of force, including lethal force, by security forces must comply with human rights standards at all times in order to protect the right to life. Amnesty International urges that any police response to further protests must comply with international requirements of necessity and proportionality in the use of force, in line with the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials. These principles state that law enforcement may use only such force as is necessary and proportionate to maintain public order, and may only intentionally use lethal force if strictly necessary to protect human life.
Thorough investigations which are credible and impartial must urgently take place into allegations of excessive use of force against peaceful protesters, and the torture of protesters and other members of local communities in Oromia, and where admissible evidence of crimes is found, suspected perpetrators should be prosecuted in effective trial proceedings that meet international standards.
All persons arrested solely because of their participation in peaceful protests must be immediately and unconditionally released. Amnesty International urges that no-one suffers any violation or denial of their human rights as a result of their involvement in peaceful protests including any suspension or termination of their education.
Finally, Amnesty International urges the Ethiopian government to respect all Ethiopians’ right to peacefully protest, as guaranteed under the Ethiopian Constitution and in accordance with Ethiopia’s international legal obligations, including under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The government should immediately remove all restrictions on free and open political participation, including restrictions on the independent media, civil society and political opposition parties.

ልጃገረድ ሃበሻዎችን በማጥመድ በህይወታቸው ላይ ሞት እየፈረደ ያለ “አርቲስት”

አሜሪካ የሚኖር “አርቲስት” ነው። ራሰ በረሃና እድሜው በ40ዎቹ መጨረሻ የሚገመት ነው። ብዙዎች በፊልም ስራው ያውቁታል። ይህ ሃበሻ የብዙ ሴት እህቶቻችንን ህይወት እያበላሸ የሚገኝና የአውሬ ተግባር እየፈፀመ የሚገኝ “ሰው” ተብዬ ነው። በእድሜ ሊወልዳቸውና የልጅ ልጆቹ ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ ወጣት ልጃገረድ ሃበሻዎችን በማጥመድ በህይወታቸው ላይ ሞት እየፈረደ ነው። ስሟን እንድደብቅላት አደራ ያለችኝ ሃበሻ ወገኔ እንዲህ አለችኝ፥ «..ይህ “ሰው” በአርቲስትነቱ ሽፋን አድርጐ ቀረበኝ። ፊልም አሰራሻለሁ አለኝ። ..ከዚያም አንሶላ እንድንጋፈፍ አድረገ። አብሬው ከተኛሁ በኋላ ስለእርሱ ማንነት (ያለበትን በሽታ) ሰዎች ነገሩኝ። ማመን አቃተኝ። ሆስፒታል ሄጄ ተመረመርኩ። የኤች.አይ.ቪ/ኤድስ ቫይረስ እንዳለብኝ ተነገረኝ። ፍርድ ቤት ሄጄ እንዳልከሰው- ማንነቴ በሚዲያ ከወጣ በማኅበረሰቡ ልገለል እችላለሁ ብዬ መተውን መረጥኩ። ..ሌላው ቀርቶ ለቤተሰቤ እንኳ ብናገር አይቀበሉኝም። ልክ ነኝ አይደል?…እንኳን ቤተሰቤ አንተ ትቀበለኛለህ?…(እንባ እየተናነቃት) ..ግን ይህ ነውረኛ የሌሎች ሴት እህቶቼን ህይወት እንዳያበላሽ ምን ማድረግ እንዳለብኝ አላውቅም። ከዲሲ ውጭ ያሉና ስለርሱ ማንነት የማያውቁ ሴት ወጣት እህቶቼን በተለያየ መንገድ እያጠመደ ቫይረሱን ያስተላልፋል። ግን ለምን?…ህይወቴን አጨለመው። ምን እንደምል አላውቅም….ግን ለምን!?…ምን አይነት አውሬነት ነው?…» በልቅሶ የታጀበና እጅግ ምሬት የተቀላቀለበት ጥያቄዋ ነበር። …ይህ “ሰው” ወይም አርቲስት ተብዬ ይህን ነውረኛ ድርጊቱን ገፍቶበታል። ..ግን ለምን!?…
አርአያ ተስፋማሪያም

Monday, May 12, 2014

How more than 150,000 Oromo farmers were evicted ሊታይ የሚገባ የወያኔ የግፍ ተግባራት በእንጀራ ልጁ ሲተነተን

ይህንን ጥያቄ እና መልስ የተመለከተ ሰዉ፤ የኦሮሞ ተማሪዎች ያነሱትን ሰላማዊ ተቃዉሞ ሊደግፍ ግድ ነዉ፡፡ የአዲስ አበባን መሰፋፋት ምን ችግር አለዉ ለራሳችን ጥቅም ነዉ ለሚሉም የተነሳዉን ተቀዉሞ በአሉታዊ ለሚያዩትም መልስ ይሆናል ብዬ እገምታለሁ፤ ልዩ ጥቅም ተጋሪ ከሆኑት ዉጪ፡፡ 

ሊታይ የሚገባ የወያኔ የግፍ ተግባራት በእንጀራ ልጁ ሲተነተን
How more than 150,000 Oromo farmers were evicted from 29 Oromo counties surrounding Addis Ababa

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Oromo Students Movement Spreads to Gimbi

 The Oromo Students marched the new Addis Abeba Master plan and made demonstration today morning .
Oromo Students Movement Spreads to Gimbi, West Ethiopia (Photos)
 The Ethiopian Government Polices attacked the Oromo Students.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

IN REVIEW – Photos from the #OromoProtests Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan and for the Rights of Oromiyaa over Finfinne

(Some photos are graphic; viewer discretion advised).
(Photo: Body of Student Mekonnen Hirpa, who was killed at Madda Walabu University for nonviolently protesting against the new Addis Ababa Master Plan and for requesting that Afan Oromo be one of the Federal Working languages in Ethiopia; Date: April 30, 2014)

#OromoProtests in Jimma Horro/Nunu, Kellem (Date: May 6, 2014)
TPLF’s Ethiopian Security Forces on a Hunting Expedition for the Nonviolent #OromoProtests (Location/Date: Dembi Dollo (West Oromia); May 6, 2014)
The Ethiopian TPLF Regime’s Military-Police with Heavy Rifles Aimed for Shooting at Unarmed Peaceful #OromoProtests Participants (Location/Date: Naqamte (West Oromia); May 4, 2014)

Suuraalee FDG Ummata Oromoo Horroo Guduruu, Wallagga Magaalaa Kombolchaa (Caamsaa 2014 – West Oromia)
Suuraalee FDG Ummata Oromoo Horroo Guduruu, Wallagga Magaalaa Kombolchaa (Caamsaa 2014 – West Oromia)
Suuraalee FDG Ummata Oromoo Horroo Guduruu, Wallagga Magaalaa Kombolchaa (Caamsaa 2014 – West Oromia)
Suuraalee FDG Ummata Oromoo Horroo Guduruu, Wallagga Magaalaa Kombolchaa (Caamsaa 2014 – West Oromia)

Suuraalee FDG Ummata Oromoo Horroo Guduruu, Wallagga Magaalaa Kombolchaa (Caamsaa 2014 – West Oromia)
#OromoProtests continues undeterred by the barrage of terror unleashed by the TPLF Ethiopian government on unarmed Oromo students and civilians (Location/Date: Bako (West Shawa); May 3, 2014)

Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Not Confirmed Yet)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Ambo University; April 25, 2014)

Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Ambo University; April 25, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Burayu (on the border of Addis Ababa Federal State, and the Oromia Federal State – Burayu is one of the districts of Oromia implicated in the annexation by the Addis Ababa Master Plan (AAMP); the AAMP was even hidden from them, and when they heard of other areas of Oromia have been protesting on their behalf, they, too, joined #OromoProtests) (Location/Date: Burayu; May 2, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Burayu (on the border of Addis Ababa Federal State, and the Oromia Federal State – Burayu is one of the districts of Oromia implicated in the annexation by the Addis Ababa Master Plan (AAMP); the AAMP was even hidden from them, and when they heard of other areas of Oromia have been protesting on their behalf, they, too, joined #OromoProtests) (Location/Date: Burayu; May 2, 2014)
Ethiopia’s TPLF Security Forces Gear Up to Attack and Crash #OromoProtests (Location/Date: Wallaggaa, Date: April 29, 2014)
Photo: A Victim of the Shooting of the TPLF Ethiopian Security Forces (Location/Date: Bale Robe; Date Not Confirmed)
Photo: A Elderly Woman Shot by TPLF Security Forces (Location/Date: Not Confirmed)
Midhegsa Hinjiguu – Shot by the TPLF Ethiopian Security Forces during a Peaceful Protest against the new Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Ambo Town; April 29, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Metu University; April 28, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Residents of Asko/Kettu Against the Ambo Massacre – place on the outskirts of Addis Ababa (Location/Date: Asko/Kettu; May 2, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Dire-Dawa University; April 30, 2014)
Photo: The TPLF Ethiopian Security Forces Seal the Gate of the Dire-Dawa University to Prevent #OromoProtests from Going to Town for General Public Rally (Location/Date: Dire-Dawa University; April 30, 2014)
Photo: Students Battered by TPLF Ethiopian Security Forces (Location/Date: Wallaggaa University; April 26, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Wallaggaa University; April 26, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Haramaya University; April 24, 2014)
Photo: View from Outside: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Wallaggaa University; April 26, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Addis Ababa; May 1, 2014)
Photo: Protest Rally in Oromia by Oromo Students Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan (Location/Date: Addis Ababa; May 1, 2014)
Photo: Victims of the Ethiopian Government’s bombing of a communal campus TV room at Haramaya University (Location/Date: Haramaya; April 30, 2014)
Some of the Oromo Students/Civilians Killed by the TPLF Ethiopian Security Forces:
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