Monday, November 11, 2013

ሰበር ዜና ሪያድ በኢትዮጵያው ውጭጉዳይ ሚንስትር ዶ/ር ቴድሮስ አድሃኖም የሚመራ የሎኡካን ቡድን ሳውዲ አረቢያ ሪያድ ገባ ።

ይህንንም ተከትሎ በህዝቡላይ ይተፈጸመውን ግፍ እና በደል ለማጣራት ከህዝቡ ጋር በኢትዮጵያ ሰአት አቋጣጠ ከቀኑ በአስር ሰአት በሪያድ የኢትዮጵያ ኮሚኒት አዳርሻ ስብሰባ እንደሚደረግ ከኤንባሲው የደርሱን ሚስጥራዊ ምንጮች ገልጸዋል ። ይህን ተከትሎ ህዝብን ለሞት እና ለስቃይ ያበቁት አምባሳደር ዶ/ር መሃመድ ሃሰን እና የጥቂት ዲፕሎማቶች የፈጸሙት ጥፋት በህዝብ እንዳይጋለጥ፡ ህዝቡ ከባለስልጣናቱ ጋር እንዳይገናኝ፡ኤንባሲው ስብሰባውን በሚስጥር ለታማኞቹ ማስተላለፉን የሪያድ ምንጮቻችን አክለው ገልጸዋል። 

Via:-Ethiopian Hagere ከጅዳ በዋዲ


  1. Z SAudi
    These are the people who do not know shame,
    For they are created and lived for their stomach.
    This is the part of the world _in which innovation fade and imitation developed.
    This is their country_ rich in one waning resource,
    Who are full of glutton, moron, egoistics,
    Whose advertise always food, cosmetics and clothe.

    These are the people who are vacant prouds,
    Lying crossing their legs grabbing dozens of foods, back-biting their wives.
    Their thought is shorter than mid-day shadows,
    Who marry their immediate relatives,
    For they are not aware of genetics.

    These are the people blinded either in race, religion or politics,
    Whose vision is money; deadly enemy of education.
    These are the creatures who do not listen their prophet,
    Who betrayed history; a hard science is their fairytale but decorating their houses.
    These are monastics, who lugged behind the time,
    Who hurried to commit crimes for no demanding reasons.
    These are the people whose philosophy fell, whose sanity fade,
    Who kick and kill people without feeling guilty,
    Whose consciousness is their stomach harvervesting enmity.
    These are the future dependents by merely exploiting the present
    Who betrayed the people who sheltered them for centuries,
    For their mind is id dominated obsessed with emotions.
    Minasie Gessesse (Nov 17, 2013: 3:54 ET)

  2. I don't think that the government of Ethiopia would reconcile the difference for the benefit of the people (remind what Kemal said earlier and the bitter banning beating and torture to the demonstrators in front of Saudi Embassy in Eth). Rather, I do believe that EPRDF initiated this and requested the Saudi to expel Ethiopians to get a relief from its political problems. If Muslims expelled from Saudi, that means (to the calculation of woyane), they will concentrate on resolving problems in Eth and live as of the order and anarchy of Woyane. It is to force the muslim community to hate the Arab world and depend heavenly on Woyane. How long they keep cheating the Ethiopian people like this? The people of Ethiopia need to show bitter consequences in addition to longer silence (which by itself is great).

    Minasie Gessesse

  3. it was very realy cruel and criminal act with this civilized wouid be the matter of time we will be more advanced and grow to fullfill humans security,,growth and employment any one shouid remind and rememeber and work for the growth to
    buid our is enough the citizens faced a lot of difficulties and oppressed by other countries.
