Tuesday, April 29, 2014

ከዞን ዘጠኞች አንዱ ከጆን ኬሪ ጋር

የአሜሪካ የዉጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት የታሰሩ ብሎገሮች ጉዳያቸው በአስቸኳይ ታይቶ እንዲፈቱ በቀጥታ የኢትዮዮጵያን መንግስት መጠየቃቸው ቃለ አቀባይዋ ሚሲስ ፕሳኪ ገለጹ። የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በሕገ መንግስቱ የተደነገጉትን መብቶች ማክበር እንዳለበት፣ አሜሪካ ጠንካራ አቋም እንደሆኑ የገለጹት ሚሲስ ፕሳኪ፣ የዉጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስተሩ ጆን ኬሪ በአፍሪካ ጉብኘት ባደረጉበት ጊዜ ሁሉ የሰባአዊ መብት ጉዳይ ባገኙት አጋጣሚ ሁሉ እንደሚያነሱ ለመጠቆም ሞክረዋል።
ከታሰሩ ብሎገሮች መካካል አንዱ ናትናኤል ፈለቀ፣ ከአሜሪካዉ የዉጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስቴር ጆን ኬሪ ጋር የተነሳዉን ፎቶ ይመልከቱ።
Imageአሜሪካ የውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት ቃል አቀባይ፣ በኢትዮጵያ ጉድያ ላይ ከተናገሩት ጥቂቱን ከዚህ በታች ማንበብ ይችላሉ።
State Department Daily Briefing regarding Secretary Kerry’s visit to Ethiopia.
MS. PSAKI: Sure, I can. We are aware that six independent bloggers and three independent journalists were detained by Ethiopian police April 25th through 26th. We urge the Government of Ethiopia to expeditiously review the cases of these detainees and promptly release them. We have raised these concerns on the ground directly with the Government of Ethiopia.
And we, of course, reiterate our longstanding concern about the abridgment of the freedom of press and the freedom of expression in Ethiopia, and urge the Government of Ethiopia to fully adhere to its constitutional guarantees. And certainly while the Secretary is there as part of his trip to Africa, he often raises, at every opportunity, issues surrounding human rights, whether it’s media freedoms or equal treatment, freedom of speech, and I expect that will be the case this time as well.

TPLF/EPRDF charges nine bloggers and journalists with inciting violence

(Reuters) – Ethiopia has charged six bloggers and three journalists with attempting to incite violence, their supporters said on Monday, prompting accusations from rights groups that the government is cracking down on its critics.
Ethiopia has charged six bloggers and three journalists with attempting to incite violence
All nine defendants, including freelance journalists Tesfalem Waldyes and Edom Kassaye, appeared in court on Sunday after they were rounded up by police on April 25 and April 26, their colleagues told Reuters.
On Monday, Human Rights Watch (HRW) called on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who visits Ethiopia on Tuesday, to press the government to “unconditionally release” all the defendants, but Addis Ababa dismissed the criticism of the case.

Monday, April 28, 2014

ከኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ(ኢጋመ) የተሰጠ መግለጫ የጋዜጠኞቹና የአክቲቪስቶቹ እስር አሳሳቢ ነው፡፡

ትላንት ሚያዝያ 17 2006 አመሻሽ ላይ ዞን 9 በተሰኘ ድረ ገጽ (ብሎግ) ላይ በሳል ፖለቲካዊና ማህበራዊ ትችቶችን በማቅረብ ከሚታወቁት ፀኀፍት መሀከል 6ቱ ማለትም ማህሌት ፋንታሁን፣ በፍቃዱ ሀይሉ፣ ናትናኤል ፈለቀ፣ ዘላለም ክብረት፣ አጥናፍ ብርሀን፣ አቤል ዋበላ እንዲሁም ጋዜጠኛ ኤዶም ካሳዬ፣ ጋዜጠኛ አስማመው ኃ/ጊዎርጊስ እና ጋዜጠኛ ተስፋለም ወልደየስ በመንግስት የጸጥታ ሀይሎች በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸው ይታወቃል፡፡
ግለሰቦቹ በተለያየ ቦታ በየስራ ገበታቸው ላይ እያሉ ሁሉም በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት በፀጥታ ሀይሎች ተይዘው በማዕከላዊ ምርመራ ማዕከል ታስረው የሚገኙ ሲሆን፤ የተለያዩ መረጃዎች እንደሚጠቁሙት እስሩ በደንብ የታሰበበት ነበር፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ ታሳሪዎቹ ታሰሩ ከተባለበት ሰዓትና ደቂቃ ጀምሮ የሚገኙበትን አጠቃላይ ሁኔታ ለማጣራት አየሰራ ሲሆን ፤ እስካሁን በሰበሰበው መረጃ መሰረት ልጆቹን ለእስር የሚያበቃ ምን አይነት ማስረጃ እንደተገኘባቸው ለማወቅ አልቻለም፡፡
ከኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ(ኢጋመ) የተሰጠ መግለጫ #Ethiopia #EJF #Zone9Bloggers 
የጋዜጠኞቹና የአክቲቪስቶቹ እስር አሳሳቢ ነው፡፡ #MinilikSalsawi
ትላንት ሚያዝያ 17 2006 አመሻሽ ላይ ዞን 9 በተሰኘ ድረ ገጽ (ብሎግ) ላይ በሳል ፖለቲካዊና ማህበራዊ ትችቶችን በማቅረብ ከሚታወቁት ፀኀፍት መሀከል 6ቱ ማለትም ማህሌት ፋንታሁን፣ በፍቃዱ ሀይሉ፣ ናትናኤል ፈለቀ፣ ዘላለም ክብረት፣ አጥናፍ ብርሀን፣ አቤል ዋበላ እንዲሁም ጋዜጠኛ ኤዶም ካሳዬ፣ ጋዜጠኛ አስማመው ኃ/ጊዎርጊስ እና ጋዜጠኛ ተስፋለም ወልደየስ በመንግስት የጸጥታ ሀይሎች በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸው ይታወቃል፡፡

ግለሰቦቹ በተለያየ ቦታ በየስራ ገበታቸው ላይ እያሉ ሁሉም በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት በፀጥታ ሀይሎች ተይዘው በማዕከላዊ ምርመራ ማዕከል ታስረው የሚገኙ ሲሆን፤ የተለያዩ መረጃዎች እንደሚጠቁሙት እስሩ በደንብ የታሰበበት ነበር፡፡

የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ ታሳሪዎቹ ታሰሩ ከተባለበት ሰዓትና ደቂቃ ጀምሮ የሚገኙበትን አጠቃላይ ሁኔታ ለማጣራት አየሰራ ሲሆን ፤ እስካሁን በሰበሰበው መረጃ መሰረት ልጆቹን ለእስር የሚያበቃ ምን አይነት ማስረጃ እንደተገኘባቸው ለማወቅ አልቻለም፡፡

ሆኖም ግን ለእስር ከመዳረጋቸው በፊት ከመንግስት ሲርስባቸው በነበረው ህገወጥ ድርጊቶች ምክንያት ለረጅም ጊዜ ስራቸዉን ካቋረጡ በኋላ በቅርቡ ወደ ስራ መመለሳቸዉን ይፋ አድርገው እንደ ነበር ከድረ-ገጻቸው ላይ ለመረዳት ችለናል፡፡ ይህ ጉዳይ እስሩን ይበልጥ አሳሳቢ አድርጎብናል፡፡

ስለሆነም የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ መንግስት ታሳሪዎቹን ለማሰር ያበቃው ተጨባጭ ማስረጃ ካለ ለህዝብ ይፋ እንዲያደርግ፤ ያ ካልሆነ ግን እስረኞቹን በአስቸኳይ ያለምንም ቅድመ ሁኔታ እንዲለቅ እናሳስባለን፡፡

የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ
አዲስ አበባ ኢትዮጵያሆኖም ግን ለእስር ከመዳረጋቸው በፊት ከመንግስት ሲርስባቸው በነበረው ህገወጥ ድርጊቶች ምክንያት ለረጅም ጊዜ ስራቸዉን ካቋረጡ በኋላ በቅርቡ ወደ ስራ መመለሳቸዉን ይፋ አድርገው እንደ ነበር ከድረ-ገጻቸው ላይ ለመረዳት ችለናል፡፡ ይህ ጉዳይ እስሩን ይበልጥ አሳሳቢ አድርጎብናል፡፡
ስለሆነም የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ መንግስት ታሳሪዎቹን ለማሰር ያበቃው ተጨባጭ ማስረጃ ካለ ለህዝብ ይፋ እንዲያደርግ፤ ያ ካልሆነ ግን እስረኞቹን በአስቸኳይ ያለምንም ቅድመ ሁኔታ እንዲለቅ እናሳስባለን፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች መድረክ
አዲስ አበባ ኢትዮጵያ

HRW Press: Arrests Upstage Kerry Visit

HRW Press: Arrests Upstage Kerry Visit

9 Bloggers, Journalists Held Before US Official Arrives
(Nairobi, April 28, 2014) – The Ethiopian authorities should immediately release six bloggers and three journalists arrested on April 25 and 26, 2014, unless credible charges are promptly brought, Human Rights Watch said today.
United States Secretary of State John Kerry, who is scheduled to visit Ethiopia beginning April 29, should urge Ethiopian officials to unconditionally release all activists and journalists who have been arbitrarily detained or convicted in unfair trials, Human Rights Watch said. The arrests also came days before Ethiopia is scheduled to have its human rights record assessed at the United Nations Human Rights Council’s universal periodic review in Geneva on May 6.
“The nine arrests signal, once again, that anyone who criticizes the Ethiopian government will be silenced,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The timing of the arrests – just days before the US secretary of state’s visit – speaks volumes about Ethiopia’s disregard for free speech.”
On the afternoon of April 25, police in uniform and civilian clothes conducted what appeared to be a coordinated operation of near-simultaneous arrests. Six members of a group known as the “Zone9” bloggers – Befekadu Hailu, Atnaf Berahane, Natnael Feleke, Mahlet Fantahun, Zelalem Kibret, and Abel Wabela – were arrested at their offices and in the streets. Tesfalem Weldeyes, a freelance journalist, was also arrested during the operation. Edom Kassaye, a second freelance journalist, was arrested on either April 25 or 26; the circumstances of her arrest are unclear but all eight individuals were apparently taken to Maekelawi Police Station, the federal detention center in Addis Ababa, the capital.
The police searched the bloggers and journalists’ offices and homes, reportedly with search warrants, and confiscated private laptops and literature. On April 26, another journalist, Asmamaw Hailegeorgis of Addis Guday newspaper, was also arrested and is reportedly detained in Maekelawi.
The detainees are currently being held incommunicado, Human Rights Watch said. On the morning of April 26, relatives were denied access to the detainees by Maekelawi guards, and only allowed to deposit food.
Human Rights Watch released a report in October 2013 documenting serious human rights abuses, including torture and other ill-treatment, unlawful interrogation tactics, and poor detention conditions in Maekelawi against political detainees, including journalists. Detainees at Maekelawi are seldom granted access to legal counsel or their relatives during the initial investigation phase.
The Zone9 bloggers have faced increasing harassment by the authorities over the last six months. Sources told Human Rights Watch that one of the bloggers and one of the journalists have been regularly approached, including at home, by alleged intelligence agents and asked about the work of the group and their alleged links to political opposition parties and human rights groups. The blogger was asked a week before their arrest of the names and personal information of all the Zone9 members. The arrests on April 25, 2014, came two days after Zone9 posted a statement on social media saying they planned to increase their activism after a period of laying low because of ongoing intimidation.
A Human Rights Watch report in March described the technologies used by the Ethiopian government to conduct surveillance of perceived political opponents, activists, and journalists inside the country and among the diaspora. It highlights how the government’s monopoly over all mobile and Internet services through its sole, state-owned telecom operator, Ethio Telecom, facilitates abuse of surveillance powers.
Kerry is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom in Addis Ababa “to discuss efforts to advance peace and democracy in the region.” Kerry should strongly urge the Ethiopian government to end arbitrary arrests, release all activists and journalists unjustly detained or convicted, and promptly amend draconian laws on freedom of association and terrorism that have frequently been used to justify arbitrary arrests and political prosecutions. The Obama administration has said very little about the need for human rights reforms in Ethiopia, Human Rights Watch said.
“Secretary Kerry should be clear that the Ethiopian government’s crackdown on media and civil society harms ties with the US,” Lefkow said.  “Continued repression in Ethiopia cannot mean business as usual for Ethiopia-US relations.”
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Ethiopia, please visit:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

U.S. gives in to Egypt, getting Russia out of the picture – for now; while Israel arms Ethiopia

Note: Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is a dead project. It won’t be allowed. More woe for those who spent their lifelong saving.
By Dr. Theodore Karasik
Apache helicopter, US
American Apache helicopter
Russian fighter jets offered to Egypt
Russian fighter jets
April 27, 2014 (Al Arabia News) — This past week the Obama Administration announced that the United States will deliver 10 Apache helicopters to Egypt and immediately invited Egyptian Intelligence Chief Major General Mohammad El-Tohamy and Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy to Washington to discuss urgent matters.
Already, the meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Kerry and El-Tohamy occurred and examined how to combat transnational threats and deal with current affairs in Egypt. The move by the United States signals a shift in position by Washington, seemingly capitulating to the geopolitical shifts surrounding Egypt’s current and future security requirements.

Kerry to visit Ethiopia, Congo and Angola next week

kerryApril 27, 2014, WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola from April 29 to May 5 to promote democracy and human rights, the State Department said on Friday.
Kerry will meet with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom in Addis Ababa to discuss peace efforts in the region and strengthen ties with Ethiopia, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement.
“In Kinshasa, Secretary Kerry will meet with President Joseph Kabila and will discuss how the DRC government’s progress in neutralizing some of the dozens of dangerous armed groups that victimize the Congolese people can be consolidated and how to best advance the DRC’s democratization and long-term stability, including through a timely and transparent electoral process,” she said.
Kerry will meet Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos in Luanda to commend him on his engagement in the peace process in Africa’s Great Lakes region, Psaki added.
Source: Reuters

Oromo Students Nonviolent Movement at Wallaggaa University Against Eviction of Oromo Farmers from Finfinnee Surrounding and Expansion of Addis Ababa

FinfinneeWallaggaa2014_1April 27, 2014 (Oromo Free Speech) – Oromo students’ nonviolent protests are underway at Wallaggaa University against the plan (called the Addis Ababa Master Plan) to evict millions of Oromo farmers and dispossess them of their land in Oromian districts surrounding Finfinnee under the pretext of the “urban development of Addis Ababa.”
According to published data, under the current TPLF regime, Addis Ababa has expanded by ~400% since 1991 (from ~13,763.3-ha in 1991 to ~52,706.2-ha in 2014 – see data here); even though the Oromiyaa Region is a federally constituted state, it continues to be annexed by the Habesha government of Addis Ababa.
Political analysts have stated recently that the current Addis Ababa Master Plan will potentially divide the Oromiyaa Region into two by the proposed plan’s annexation of Central Oromiyaa by Addis Ababa, and the subsequent eviction of the Oromo farming communities in Central Oromiyaa under the pretext of “industrial zones.” There are at least 8 industrial zones all over Oromiyaa, such as the Malka Jebdu area under the Dire Dawa Industrial Zone, the Ambo Industrial Zone, the Chinese-owned Bishoftu Eastern Industrial Zone – which is slated to extend all the way to Asella in Arsi Zone of Oromiyaa in the coming few years. In long run the federal state is annexed to Amhara region.

Ethiopia detains bloggers and journalist

Security forces arrest six bloggers and a journalist in latest crackdown on opposition voices.
ogadenApril 27, 2014 (Al Jazeera) — The Ethiopian government has arrested six independent bloggers and a journalist in what human rights group Amnesty International has called a “suffocating grip on freedom of expression”.
Six members of independent blogger and activist group ‘Zone 9’ and a prominent Ethiopian journalist were arrested on Friday in the capital Addis Ababa.
All six bloggers were arrested at night by armed security forces and taken from their homes to the Federal Police Crime Investigation Sector ‘Maikelawi’, where political prisoners are alleged to be held in pre-trial, and sometimes arbitrary detention.
The Zone 9 group who are said to be very critical of government policy and have a strong following on social media had temporarily suspended their activities earlier this year after accusing the government of harassing their members.
Journalist Tesfalem Waldyes who writes independent commentary on political issues for a Ethiopian newspaper was also arrested.
According to Ethiopian journalist Simegnish Yekoye, Waldyes is being denied visitation by friends and family and it’s unclear what prompted his arrest and what charges he is being held under.
Simegnish Yekoye told Al Jazeera she was unaware of why the government had clamped down on journalists and their was growing fear on the future of a free press.
“I am very scared, I don’t know what’s going to happen next,” she said.
Ranked 143 in the 2014 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index, media watchdogs say 49 journalists fled the country between 2007 and 2012 to evade government persecution.
Human rights group Amesty International criticised the arrests, saying “these arrests appear to be yet another alarming round up of opposition or independent voices”.
“The Ethiopian government is tightening its suffocating grip on freedom of expression in a major crackdown which has seen the arrest of numerous independent, critical and opposition voices over the last two days”, Claire Beston, Ethiopia researcher at Amnesty International, said.
Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Adow reporting from Bahir Dar said it was unclear what will happen to the detained journalists.
“There are scores of journalists currently serving between 14 and 27 years in prison with some charged on terrorism offences.”
Source: Al Jazeera

Ethiopian Security Forces Open Fire on Students

12396386567597410701674866564151-3250963_p9April 27, 2014 (CNN iReport) — There has been widespread protest by Oromo students in universities in Ethiopia against unpopular ‘Addis Ababa-Finfinnee surrounding integrated master plan’. Oromo students in Haromaya, Jimma, Ambo and Wollega universities held protests.
Although officials in Oromia state and Addis Ababa city administration insist the plan only intends to develop Addis Ababa and its surrounding, Oromo students and the wider Oromo elites believe the plan is to displace farmers in the outskirts and suburban areas of the city, meet the growing demand for land, and weaken the Oromo identity. The Ethiopian constitution grants a special interest to the Oromia state regarding administrative, resource and other socio-economic matters in Addis Ababa, in its article 49 which never have been implemented. This has largely resulted in significant resistance within the ruling party, OPDO, in Oromia and a continues pressure to materialize the implementation.
The protest against the doomed to fail master plan is held in four universities sofar. Yesterday (26/04/2014) at Wollega University, the infamous and notorious Federal police opened fire at innocent Oromo students. Reports and eye witness indicate unknown number of students were hurt and some have fled to the bushes. The people of Nekemete town were prevented from joining the resistance. Even then some of the residents broke through line of federal police force and joined the protest.
At similar protest in Jimma university, the security forces picked more than 10 students and jailed them. Further 15 students in Ambo university were jailed.
The uproar against the plan is resonating across different segments of Oromo society. A singer by name Jafar Yusuf was jailed last week that is believed to be because he released a single condemning the plan. The diaspora is is voicing its concerns through the newly launched diaspora based Oromia Media Network
The security forces in Ethiopia are dominated by the Tigrayan minority who have been in power since the downfall of Derg communist regime in 1991. The Oromos are the most prosecuted in Ethiopia. More than 40000 Oromos are in jail, although the correct figure is hard to know.
Source: CNN iReport


Amnesty International


Olbana Lelisa and Bekele Gerba are being denied medical treatment. The two men, political opposition leaders and prisoners of conscience, are reported to be ill in Kaliti prison, Ethiopia. Olbana Lelisa’s friends believe his condition may be life-threatening.
Several months ago Olbana Lelisa and Bekele Gerba were moved from Ziway prison south of Addis Ababa, to Kaliti prison on the outskirts of the capital city, reportedly after a doctor in Ziway referred the two men for hospital treatment. However, since the transfer, the men have been denied access to a hospital. It is not clear what is wrong with the two men as they have not access to a full diagnosis.
Olbana Lelisa and Bekele Gerba were arrested in August 2011, within days of meeting with Amnesty International staff. They were charged with crimes against the state based on alleged support for the proscribed group the Oromo Liberation Front – a charge regularly used to silence members of ethnic Oromo political opposition parties. After a trial marred by irregularities, they were both convicted in November 2012. In a subsequent sentencing hearing Bekele Gerba was sentenced to 8 years’ imprisonment and Olbana Lelisa was sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment. Both sentences were later reduced on appeal to 3 years and 7 months, and 11 years respectively. Amnesty International considers the two men prisoners of conscience, imprisoned because of their legitimate and peaceful political activity, and should be immediately and unconditionally released.
Please write immediately in Amharic, English or your own language:
Urging that Olbana Lelisa and Bekele Gerba are given immediate and unrestricted access to a hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and that they are permitted to remain in hospital until the treatment is concluded;
Expressing concern that Olbana Lelisa and Bekele Gerba, as well as other prisoners, are denied medical treatment during imprisonment;
Expressing concern that the men were arrested and prosecuted for exercising their legitimate right to freedom of expression, in belonging to political opposition parties, and urging that they are immediately released.
Minister of Justice
Berhanu Hailu
Ministry of Justice,
PO Box 1370,
Addis Ababa,
Fax: +251 11 5517755
Salutation: Dear Minister
Minister of Federal Affairs
D. Shiferaw Teklemariam
Ministry of Federal Affairs
P.O.Box 5718
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Email: shiferawtmm@yahoo.com
Salutation: Dear Minister
And copies to:
Prime Minister
His Excellency Hailemariam Desalegn
Office of the Prime Minister,
PO Box 1031,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Fax: +251 11 552030 (keep trying)
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below:
Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. This is the first update of UA 263/11. Further information: http://amnesty.org/en/library/info/AFR25/007/2011/en


Olbana Lelisa was a party official in the Oromo Peoples’ Congress (OPC) party when he was arrested. Bekele Gerba was deputy chairman of the Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM) party and an English teacher at Addis Ababa University. Both men had met with Amnesty International delegates just days before their arrests. The Amnesty International delegation was expelled from the country on the same day that Olbana and Bekele were arrested. During pre-trial interrogation both were questioned about their meetings with Amnesty International.
During their trial, around May 2012, Olbana complained to the court that he has been attacked by a violent fellow prisoner who had been placed in his cell. The court took no action on his complaint.
The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners provide that “Sick prisoners who require specialist treatment shall be transferred to specialized institutions or to civil hospitals.”
Since the arrests of Bekele and Olbana, the OFDM and OPC parties have merged to form the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC). The OFC reported that another member – Mohamed Negashi, an OPC candidate in Dire Dawa during the 2005 elections, died of unexplained causes in detention in early 2014. His wife was denied access to his corpse for burial.
The OFC further reported that in March 2014 two young OFC activists were shot dead by police in Ginmir town, Oromia region. Seifu Oda, a 33 year old father of two, was reportedly taken from his home and shot in the mouth by police. The following day during protests about the killing, Seifu’s friend Abdi Bilya also an OFC supporter, was also reportedly shot dead.
The Ethiopian government is extremely hostile to dissent. Members of opposition parties and independent journalists are regularly harassed, arrested and prosecuted.
Large numbers of ethnic Oromos are regularly arrested on the accusation of supporting the Oromo Liberation Front. This includes many members and supporters of Oromo political opposition parties, and other people from all walks of life. These arrests are based on an actual or imputed opposition to the government.
In early 2011 – the year that Olbana and Bekele were arrested – hundreds of members of Oromo opposition parties were arrested, apparently as a result of the government’s fear that the Middle East and North Africa style uprisings would spread to Ethiopia. Large numbers of students from universities across the Oromia region were arrested during the same period.
The OFDM and OPC parties told Amnesty International that a number of their members arrested in March and April 2011 subsequently disappeared, leading to concerns that these individuals were being held in arbitrary detention.
Name: Olbana Lelisa, Bekele Gerba
Gender m/f: m
Further information on UA: 263/11 Index: AFR 25/001/2014 Issue Date: 25 April 2014
Source: Amnesty International  - PDF version

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bloggers and activists are arrested in Ethiopia

Six members of Zone Nine, group of bloggers and activists are arrested today late in the afternoon at 5:20 pm by Ethiopian security forces.Zone 9 bloggers are arrested in Ethiopia Team members Befeqadu Hailu, Atnaf Berahane, Mahlet Fantahun, Zelalem Kiberet, Natnael Feleke and Abel Wabela are all under custody on arrest warrant.
The arrest comes immediately after the bloggers and activists notified their return to their usual activism on April 23, 2014 after their inactivity for the past seven months. On their return note the group has indicated that they have sustained a considerable amount of surveillance and harassment. They have indicated that one of their reasons for their disappearance from activism is the harassment they have been receiving from government security agents.
We believe members and friends of Zone Nine have nothing to do with illegal activities and we request the government to release them immediately.
ዛሬ አርብ ሚያዝያ 17 ቀን 2006 አመሻሹ ላይ 11፡20 ገደማ ስድስት የዞን ዘጠኝ ጦማርያን አባላት የሆኑት ጓደኞቻችን በመንግስት የጸጥታ ሀይሎች ከያሉበት ተይዘዋል፡፡ እነርሱም ናትናኤል ፈለቀ፣ በፍቃዱ ሀይሉ፣ አጥናፍ ብረሀነ፣ ማህሌት ፋንታሁን፣ ዘላለም ክብረት እና አቤል ዋበላ ናቸው፡፡ ጦማርያኑን ጓደኞቻችን ለማሰር የመጡት አካላት የማሰሪያና የመፈተሻ የፍርድ ቤት ፈቃድ የያዙ መሆናቸውን ሰምተናልአ መደበኛ የሆነው “ዞን 9” የጦማርያን ስብስብ አባላት ሚያዚያ 15፣2006 በዋጣነው መግለጫ ላለፉት ሰባት ወራት የዞኑ አባላት ከፍተኛ የሆነ ክትትል ሲደረግባቸው እንደነበር በጠቅላላው የተጠቆመ ሲሆን ክትትሉ የተወሰኑ የቡድኑን አባላትና የቅርብ ወዳጆችን ጭምር ያካተተ ነበር፡፡ አሁን በመንግስት የተወሰደው እርምጃ የዞኑን ተመልሶ ወደ ስራ መግባት ተከትሎ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ይገመታል ሆኖም የዞን 9 አባላትና ወዳጆች በምንም አይነት ህገ ወጥ ተግባር ላይ ተሰማርተው እነዳልነበር ለማረጋገጥ እንወዳለ፡፡ በመሆኑም የታሰሩ የዞኑ አባላትና ወዳጆች በአስቸኳይ እንዲለቀቁ እንጠይቃለን::

Friday, April 25, 2014

Rules of law declines in Afrika: Ethiopia ranks 33 from Africa

Editor’s Note - Mauritious, Botswana and Cape Verde are leaders of the top 10 African countries cited for better governance in 2013. While South Africa shines at 5th, Ghana prides itself as 7th, Kenya 21st, and repressive Ethiopia 33rd. Chaotic Somalia, war-torn DR Congo and hermetic state Eritrea hit the bottom three in the Ibrahim Mo Index for 2013.
African countries have experienced widespread human development and improved economic opportunities since 2000, but the rule of law has deteriorated in a number of countries, according to the Ibrahim index of African governance (IIAG).
The 2013 edition found that 94% of people in 52 countries – Sudan and South Sudan have been excluded for a second successive year due to lack of available data – lived in a country that had demonstrated improved overall governance since the turn of the century. However, average scores in the category looking specifically at safety and the rule of law showed a marked decline.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ለአዲስ አበባና ለኦሮሚያ የተዘጋጀው ማስተር ፕላን ሕገ መንግሥታዊ ጥያቄ አስነሳ (ሪፖርተር)

ለአዲስ አበባና ለኦሮሚያ ልዩ ዞን በጋራ የተዘጋጀው የተቀናጀ ማስተር ፕላን ሕገ መንግሥታዊ ጥያቄ አስነሳ፡፡ ባለፈው ሳምንት መጨረሻ በአዳማ (ናዝሬት) በተካሄደው ስብሰባ የኦሮሚያ ክልል አመራሮች፣
ኦሮሚያ ከአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ማግኘት ያለባት ጥቅም በግልጽ ሊነደገግ ይገባል የሚል አቋም ይዘው ተከራክረዋል፡፡ ሕገ መንግሥታዊው ድንጋጌ በአዋጅ ተደግፎ ሳይወጣ ማስተር ፕላኑ ተግባራዊ ሊሆን አይገባም በማለት፣ የኦሕዴድና የኦሮሚያ ክልል አመራሮች አስተያየታቸውን አቅርበዋል፡፡