Monday, February 10, 2014

Ethiopia’s New Strategy towards Somalia a moral story divide and rule Policy

signiture protocolBy Ahmed Abdi                               

February 9, 2014 (Ogaden Today) — Somalia was one of the best powerful nations of the African continent ever since it gained its full-Independence from European Colonialists and right after its Independence many African countries gained their Independence with the help of Somalia.
During the Cold War Somalia and Ethiopia went a war over Ogaden territory and Somali National Army defeated the largest Army of Africa at the time, Ethiopian National Defense Forces or (ENDF) that forced the former Ethiopian Derge Regime of Mengistu Haile Merriam to seek assistance from the Soviet Union and Cuban troops including South Yemen, but unfortunately when the warlords toppled the former Somalia dictator, Mohammed Siad Barre regime they did not come up in an advance a plan with them to control the entire country and that led a naked foreign interference from Somalia’s big, bad neighbor of Ethiopia, which has been meddling in Somalia’s domestic affairs over the last two decades to create chaos. And Somali people that known to their pride and victory loving had their politicians bowed down in front of their former arch-enemy of Abyssinia’s face.
Ethiopia which is more divided than ever before is controlling Somalia’s politics directly and indirectly at will.
Somalia’s Federal government sent its former minister of Information, Posts and Telecommunication, Abdullahi Elmoge Hersi, to participate in Ethiopia’s Nations, Nationalities and People’s day but he gained neither attention nor respect from Ethiopian government that behaved as if he was not exist at all.
Somali Defense Minister Gen. Mohammed Sheikh Hassan that hails from Mirifle tribe who
openly expressed his opposition towards the Jubbe Administration had signed a treaty with the Ethiopian government that indicates the Ethiopian Security agents can freely operate inside Somalia and can kill or abduct any person that is suspected of being an ONLF-Sympathizer a treaty, which made people of Somalis upset, moreover the minister signed the treaty with the absence of the Somalia flag while Ethiopian flags are every corner of the Somali defense minister, what kind of diplomacy do you call this?
Since ONLF is limited beyond its borders, what is behind this decision is understandable, both Ethiopia and Somali Federal government want to play the card of ONLF in order to fight against Ahmed Madobe’s administration and the Ogadeni tribes in Jubaland.
Source: Ogaden Today

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